Countries and Centers

Ƶ provides technical cooperation to its member countries in the Americas and promotes cooperation between countries to advance their health goals. We work from our headquarters in Washington, D.C., as well as country and subregional offices, and our specialized centers in the region.


Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries

Antigua and Barbuda 

Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries


Dr. Eva Jane Llopis 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Argentina

Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 
Marcelo T. de Alvear 684, 4o. piso 
1058 Buenos Aires, Argentina

Country/City Code: 54-11 
Telephones: 4319-4200 SW


Ƶ/WHO Representative in Trinidad & Tobago


Dr. Eldonna Boisson 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in the Bahamas (and Turks & Caicos)

Grosvenor Medical Centre 
off Shirley Street 
Nassau, Bahamas

Country/City Code: 1-242 
Telephones: 326-7299 SW 
Fax: 326-7012 

Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries - ECC 

Dr. Amalia Del Riego 
Ƶ/WHO Representative Barbados and Eastern Caribbean Countries

Dayrells and Navy Garden Roads 
Christ Church 
Bridgetown, Barbados

Country/City Code: 1-246  
Telephones: 434-5200 SW 
Fax: 228-5402


Dr. Karen Lewis-Bell 
Ƶ/WHO Representative Belize

4792 Coney Drive 
Coney Drive Business Plaza, 3rd Floor 
Withfield Tower 
Belize City, Belize

Country/City Code: 501-2 
Telephones: 22448-85 SW or 6038793




Ƶ/WHO Representative in Jamaica


Dr. João Paulo Souza 
Director, Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Science Information

Rua Vergueiro, 1,759, 12th floor

04101-000 São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Country/City Code: 55-11 
Telephone: 5576-9800


Dr. Alma Morales 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Bolivia

Avenida Costanera #224, entre calles 8 y 9  Edificio Nacional Seguros, pisos 4 y 5 
Zona Calacoto 
La Paz, Bolivia

Country/City Code: 591-2 
Telephones: 2979730 
Fax: 2971146


Dr. Socorro Gross Galiano 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Brazil

Setor de Embaixadas Norte, Lote 19 
70800-400 - Brasilia, 
D.F., Brasil

Country/City Code: 55-61 
Telephones: 3251-9595 SW 
Fax: 3251-9591

British Virgin Islands 

Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries


Ms. Mary Lou Valdez 
Ƶ/WHO Deputy Director

525 Twenty-Third St. N.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20037 USA

Caribbean Subregional Program Coordination 

Dr. Amalia del Riego
Acting Subregional Program Director, Caribbean

Dayrells and Navy Garden Roads 
Christ Church 
Bridgetown, Barbados

Country/City Code: 1-246 
Telephones: 434-5200 SW 
Fax: 436-9779

Cayman Islands 

Ƶ/WHO Representative in Jamaica


Dr. Giovanni Escalante  
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Chile

Av. Dag Hammarskjold 3269  
Santiago de Chile 

Country/City Code: 56-2 
Telephones: 437-4600 SW 
Fax: 264-9311


Dr. Gina Tambini 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Colombia

Calle 66 No.11-50, Piso 6 
Edificio VillorioBogotá D.C., Colombia 
Apartado Aéreo 253367, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

Country/City Code: 57-1  
Telephones: 314-4141 SW 
Fax: 745-5381

Costa Rica 

Dr. Alfonso Tenorio 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Costa Rica

Calle 16, Avenida 6 y 8 
Distrito Hospital 
San Jose, Costa Rica

Country/City Code: 506  
Telephones: 2521-7045


Dr. Mario Cruz Peñate 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Cuba

Calle 4 No. 407, entre 17 y 19 Vedado 
La Habana, Cuba 
C.P. 10400

Country/City Code: 53 
Telephones: 7831 8944; 7831 0245; 7838 2526; 7838; 2527 
Fax: 7833 2075


Ƶ/WHO Representative in Trinidad & Tobago


Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries

Dominican Republic 

Ms. Alba Maria Ropero Álvarez 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Dominican Republic

Edificio Cruz Roja y OPS/OMS, Calle Pepillo Salcedo - Recta Final,  
Plaza de la Salud, Ensanche La Fé,  
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Tel.: +1-(809)-562-1519


Dr. Sonia Quezada Bolaños 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Ecuador

Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 
Centro Corporativo Ekopark, Torre 4, Piso 2 
Vía Nayon S/N y Av. Simon Bolivar,  
Quito, Ecuador

Country/City Code: 593-2 
Telephones: 3801830 SW

El Salvador 

Dr. Angel Manuel Alvarez  
Acting Ƶ/WHO Representative in El Salvador

73 Avenida Sur No. 135 
Colonia Escalón 
San Salvador, El Salvador

Country/City Code: 503 
Telephones: 2511-9500 
Fax: 2511-9555

French Guiana 

Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries


Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries


Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries


Dr. Eliette Valladares 
Acting Ƶ/WHO Representative in Guatemala

Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 
Edificio Interamericas, Cuarto Nivel, Torre Norte 
Diagonal 6, 10-50, Zona 10 
Guatemala, Guatemala

Country/City Code: 502 
Telephones: 2329-4200 SW 
Fax: 2329-4299


Dr. Daniel Albrecht 
Acting Ƶ/WHO Representative in Guyana

Lot 8 Brickdam Stabroek 
Georgetown, Guyana

Country/City Code: 592  
Telephones: 225-3000 SW 
Fax: 226-6654 227-4205


Dr. Oscar Martin Barreneche 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Haití

No. 295 Avenue John Brown 
Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Country/City Code: 509  
Telephones: 2814 3002, 2244-7675 SW 
Fax: 245-6917 


Ms. Ana Emilia Solís Ortega 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Honduras

Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 
Col. Florencia Norte, Edificio Torre Santa Inés 
Bloque G, Sector Norte, 
2da calle y 3ra Avenida No. 2301  
Apdo. Postal 728  
Tegucigalpa, C.A., Honduras, C.A.

Country/City Code: 504 
Telephones: 2276-9600


Mr. Ian Stein 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Jamaica

8 Gilbraltar Way 
University of the West Indies 
Mona Campus 
Kingston 7, Jamaica, W.I.

Country/City Code: 1-876 
Telephones: 970-0016 SW 
Fax: 977-1393 


Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries


Dr. José Gerardo Moya Medina 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in México

Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 
Montes Urales 440, Piso 2 
Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 
Del. Miguel Hidalgo 
Ciudad de México, C.P. 11000, México

Country/City Code: 52-55 
Telephones: 5980-0880 SW 
Fax: 5395-5681 


Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries

Dutch Caribbean Islands 

Ƶ/WHO Representative in Trinidad & Tobago


Dr. Ana Elena Chévez 
Ƶ/WHO Interim Representative in Nicaragua

Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 
Complejo Nacional de Salud 
Camino a la Sabana 
Apartado Postal 1309 
Managua, Nicaragua

Country/City Code: 505 
Telephones: 2289-4200 SW 
Fax: 2289-4999

Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Veterinary Public Health Center - PANAFTOSA 

Dr. Ottorino Cosivi 

Av. Governador Leonel de Moura Brizola 
(antigua Av. Pres. Kennedy) 
Sao Bento, Duque de Caixas 
Zip Code: 25045-002 - 
Duque de Caixas, RJ, Brazil

Country/City Code: 55-21 
Telephones: 3661-9000 SW 
Fax: 3661-9001


Dr. Ana Rivière Cinnamond 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Panamá

Ministerio de Salud de Panama 
Ancon, Avenida Gorgas, Edif. 261, 2 piso Panamá, Panamá

Country/City Code: 507 
Telephones: 262-0030 SW 
Fax: 262-4052


Dr. Marcelo Korc 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Paraguay

Edificio Plaza Center 
Avenida Aviadores del Chaco 2351 
Esquina Herib Campos Cervera 3er Piso 

Country/City Code: 595-21 
Teléfonos: +595 21 411-4000


Dr. Maureen Birmingham 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Peru

Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 
Los Pinos 251 
Urbanización Camacho 
La Molina, Lima 12, Perú

Country/City Code: 51-1 
Telephones: 319-5700 SW

Puerto Rico 

Dr. Raúl Castellanos Bran 
Coordinación de la OPS/OMS en Puerto Rico

Saint Kitts and Nevis 

Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries

Saint Lucia 

Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 

Ƶ/WHO Representative in the office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries

Sint Maarten 

Ƶ/WHO Representative in Trinidad & Tobago


Mr. Yafflo W. Ouattara
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Suriname

Henck Arronstraat 60 
Paramaribo, Suriname

Country/City Code: 597 
Telephones: 471-676 SW 
Fax: 471-568

Trinidad and Tobago 

Dr. Gabriel Vivas Francesconi 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Trinidad & Tobago

4-6 Queen's Park East, 
Port-of-Spain 101002,  
Trinidad & Tobago

Country/City Code: 1-868 
Telephones: 622-4202 622-5445 622-4217 
Fax: 627-4719

Turks and Caicos 

Dr. Eldonna Boisson 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in the Bahamas (and Turks & Caicos)

Grosvenor Medical Centre 
off Shirley Street 
Nassau, Bahamas

Country/City Code: 1-242 
Telephones: 326-7299 SW 
Fax: 326-7012 

United States of America 

Ms. Mary Lou Valdez 
Ƶ/WHO Deputy Director

525 Twenty-Third St. N.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20037 USA


Dr. Caroline Judith Chang Campos  
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Uruguay

Ave. Brasil 2697, Apts. 5, 6 y 8 
Esquina Coronel Alegre 
Código Postal 11300 
Montevideo, Uruguay

Country/City Code: 598 
Telephones: 2707-3590 SW 
Fax: 2707-3530

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 

Mr. Cristian Morales Fuhrimann 
Ƶ/WHO Representative in Venezuela

Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 
Avenida Sexta entre 5a. y 6a.  
Transversal No. 43, Quinta OPS/OMS 
Urbanizacion Altamira 
Caracas 1060, Venezuela

Country/City Code: 58-212 
Telephones: 206-5022 SW 
Fax: 261-6069